Improve Communication Skills

Communication Skills and How to Improve Them.

Communication Skills are a set of activities that ultimately make a quality public performance.

Communication today is very important both in the business world and in private life.

Successful communication helps us better understand people and situations. It helps us overcome diversities, build trust and respect, and create conditions for sharing creative ideas and solving problems.

By acquiring strong communication skills, you can better connect with friends, colleagues, boss all while improving communication in the workplace.


Why did You need to Develop Strong Communication Skills?

In this modern time, we live in, we are receiving, sending, and processing a large number of messages every day.

But successful communication is far more than sharing information, it is also an understanding of the feelings behind this information.

Successful Communication can deepen relations in personal life or professional life. In personal life, they can help us understand better people and situations that happen on a daily basis.

  1. Listening: one of the most important aspects of effective communication is being a good listener. People don’t like communicating with others who are only interested in telling you what they want to tell you and don’t listen to what you have to say. Effective communications require active listening, so practice active listening until it becomes second nature to you.
  2. Non-Verbal Communication: Your facial expressions, gestures, posture, and tone of voice are powerful communication tools. Here’s how to read and use body language to builds better relationships at home and work.
  3. Be Confident: Confidence underpins all effective communications. Other people will believe you will do as you say if you sound confident. Making eye contact, using a firm but friendly tone, are all ways you can exude confidence. Remember to always be listening to the other person and looking out for those nonverbal clues.
  4. Be Personable: When communicating face to face with someone, use a friendly tone with a simple smile, and ask personal questions. These things encourage the other person to engage in honest, open communications. When using written communication, you can achieve this by adding a simple personal message, for example, “How was your weekend?
  5. Be Clear and Be Concise: Convey your message using as few words as possible. Whether in person, via telephone, or email, convey your message clearly, concisely, and direct. If you are excessive with your words, the listener will either lose focus or just be unsure as to what it is that you want. Before speaking give some thoughts as to the message you want to convey. This will prevent you from rambling and causing confusion.
  6. Empathy: Empathy is the skill of being able to understand and share the feelings of another person.

Developing Communication Skills can help us avoid conflicts, compromise, and help in better decision making.

Here is a great overview of why communication skills are important.


Communication Skills strategies
Communication Skills strategies


The Power of Strong Communication Skills in the Workplace

With strong communication skills, you can clearly impact your business. Great Communication is one that brings solutions, drives change, motivates, and inspires colleagues.

By improving communication skills, we can improve employee engagement, teamwork, decision-making, and interdepartmental communication in the workplace.

For that reason, Communication Skills are the most demanded soft skills that employers are looking for in their employees.


How to define employee onboarding and why this is crucial for a company?

Employee onboarding is touted to be one of the most sensitive areas that a company has with their employees Imagine, if your own a hotel corporate or a Mart company, you ought to take inevitable steps to engage and smart onboarding that aligns with your company and their employees.

Employee onboarding is defined as the process of finding or pining new employees into your company which is none other than taking the indispensable step to confirm new recruitment to the company.

Onboarding of employees involves steps like a job offer, pre-onboarding elements, and then a schedule of the first day and manage them with resources.

Onboarding of employees aid in saving the company in various ways.I get to know from clie

  1. It helps to reduce Turnover: “The normal calculated cost of replacing an employee ranges between 30% to 100%   of their salary, no matter. What the size of your business the amount is big. The employees will not stay if they are not contented with the company. Consequently, the employees had better take every chance to check the well-being of their staff”.
  2. Must be focusing on new hires: “An onboarding of Employees should be focusing on new hires and let them feel comfortable with the company deportment, new team members, moreover align with the boss”.
  3. Must be focusing on new connections: “An onboarding of Employees must be fostering new connections, and aftermaths and repercussions of this crucial step are good productivity of the company and good relationship between new hires so that they must be able to impersonate in their new role quickly”.
  4. New employees must follow the following steps: “New employees are not allowed to use their personal Gmail account, Company will provide you an official E-mail address for their official work”. For the sake of communication and Task allocation, employees are requested to use the following software”.
    a. Use of only official email id (NOT personal email accounts).
    b. Communication and Task allocation – SOFTWARE USE ONLY
    c. SLACK (effective and efficient way to communicate with teammates)
    d. TRELLO (Allocation of Task by Company)


SLACK: Create Account à Name, designation, contact number, and profile photograph.
TRELLO: Download -> Create Account -> Sign up via official email ID.

Allocation of task to employees via trello/slack
Allocation of task to employees via trello/slack

Human Resources professionals are facing exciting and challenging times today.

With shifting workforce trends- in Healthcare, telecommunicating, and technology– HR departments and companies must always be ready to adapt.

Prospective employees once were able to walk in and ask a receptionist for an application which they could complete on the spot. Now, companies accept digital applications and interview applicants via video web conferencing. And that just in to join the company.

HR managers are responsible for creating and managing a strong team. Whether it is human resource planning, job analysis, hiring the right talent, or resolving conflicts within the organization, it’s the HR who handles these tasks.

  1. Hiring Candidates:  Planning Recruitment and Selection Strategies. For the modern workforce“Searching for the best ways to find the best people? Let us get you on the right track.”Recruitment Strategies through Social media recruiting, direct advertising, Employee Referrals, post on Ads.Selection Strategies conducting interviews, screening, testing, monitoring.
  2. Training and Development: Development Training. Training needs analysis.“Hire fresher candidates, managers might need to arrange for skill-development training programs to ensure their work meets the industry standards.
  3. Design Workplace policies: HR Policies. Implement work policies.“HR manager to design workplace policies to reduce conflict, legal issues and improve employee productivity. Workplace policies differ from organization to organization. The things it includes remain the same in every company, such as Standard operating procedure, Paid Leaves, Sick Leaves, and time-off benefits, Time tracking, employee attendance, and punctuality.
  4. Find Interns: How to hire interns.“Paid? Unpaid? College credit? If you need solid intern candidates, we can help.”Hiring an intern might seem like an ideal way to grow a company while saving money, and also trying the individual to see if he or she is a “fit” for the work culture.
  5. Welcome To New Employee: Onboarding New Employees. Why is onboarding important? Employee onboarding is the process of inducting new employees into your business. Preparing colleagues for the new employee. Have work station ready to go. Make introductions. Welcoming them to the company.
  6. Rewards and Incentives: Employee Appreciation Ideas Your competitor hasn’t Thought of Yet.“Running out of ways to recognize your best employees? The HR manager needs to reward employees based on their performance and punctuality. Rewards consist of anything from a certificate printed with the employee’s name on it to mild compensation, holiday packages, a word of appreciation and recognition, promotion, or bonuses.